Bio Technology

We offer a comprehensive range of wellness services with a focus on Zyto bio-scanning to deliver a full and holistic picture of an individual’s state of health and wellbeing.

An initial 80-minute consultation includes a full Zyto diagnostic bio-scan, interpretation of its results and a report generated from the bio data. Most importantly, you’ll come away with a complete picture of your physical and mental condition and a series of individualised ‘next steps’ to begin your journey towards better health and wellbeing.

Those steps may include continued work with our in-house practitioners or a consultation with recommended specialists working in the areas of nutrition, dentistry, massage therapy etc.

Future Zyto bio-scans can be benchmarked against this initial data to enable ongoing tracking of your progress.

As well as addressing your physiological health, we have a particular focus on the mental wellbeing of our clients, helping to pinpoint specific emotional issues that can block your journey to full health. We work through any issues our clients face in a completely private and professional environment, giving you the best chance to move forward and overcome these hurdles.

My Story

Chris Dunn – has a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from over 40 years working in the pharmaceutical industry, as a Heart Foundation research technician, and as an Anatomy / Physiology Tutor at Massey University. This experience and knowledge has been balanced with traditional and informal learning, gaining first-hand practical knowledge as a gardener for an old herbalist, and during the 20 years, she spent farming while raising a young family.

After all these years, she has realized her calling. It is that of a lightworker, a conduit that can wayfind for the people. A woman that gives gentle solace to those who seek answers as to how to live lovely lives.

Chris In A Corner Wearing A Middle Gray Dress

About Vibrational State

Your body works incredibly hard to maintain a constant state of homeostasis – that is, a constant temperature, pH. balance, blood oxygen, sugar levels and fluid circulation. Each organ and cell responsible for this daily activity resonates to a unique frequency and any disruptions to this resonance can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing.

At Ahuriri Sage, we’ll introduce you to the techniques and products that will help retune your body to the specific frequencies that enable it to repair, whether through the use of music, essential oils, traditional or non-traditional medical practice.

Some of the conditions we work with include:

My Mission is to Have Happy Healthy Communities

We have come a long way with what science can achieve. Some focus has, however, become very narrow. Cancer, Covid all are fear-generating phenomena. The technology of a Zyto machine gives a holistic overview of the individual to determine the true state of your wellbeing, giving a wide view of the whole individual’s physical and emotional energies.

My Quick Happiness Checklist

I believe pure joy is within all our grasps – we just need to know how to harness it.

Here’s a list of simple things you can do to give yourself a boost and promote the happiness chemicals in your brain (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphin).

Young Woman Enjoying the Forest

Book a Consultation

The science of wellness in later years has been considered fringe medicine. True holistic wellness has no profit in the marketplace and therefore has not been as actively promoted.

True holistic wellness is self empowering when combined with accurate personilzed information.

What To Expect

The personalized Biotechnology scan is a non-invasive survey. Then the findings are examined in-depth and explained in lay terms to empower you to be in charge of your improved health status.

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