Egyptian Woman Engraved in A Coin

Everything is better with sage

Ahuriri Sage

We provide holistic health advice to those wishing to live their fullest and healthiest lives.
Chris Smiling with a Black Curtain Background

About Chris

Ahuriri Sage is a Knowledgeable, Wise, Kind, and Compassionate woman who has found her calling in service for others. Her role is that of a lightworker, helping others find the answers to living lovely lives.

Her wisdom has been attained through experience giving sound judgement. Let her help you find your inner wisdom.

While out walking I met up with Shelia. She had her head down and stopped to pat my dog. Things were not too flash for her as she had been feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts. We chatted and she took my card. I got a message from her a few days later and she came for a Zyto session. I checked in on her a couple of days ago things are much better now she has a plan to help her.

Wellness in a Modern World

Our lives can be overly busy and complicated, with too much artificial influence in our daily lives.

The water we drink, the food we consume and the products we use to cleanse ourselves are just some of the things that may be disrupting our health and vibrational state without our knowledge.

Ahuriri Sage seeks to rebalance the scales with enlightening insights into your health that guide you to a positive change in your life.

As we discover we are all part of a wider universe and as we learn to work with our inner cycles we become in tune with higher powers

Our bodies work well in harmony with the universe. Once we can identify the rhythms of the world around us we can tune ourselves to live a peaceful happy life.

Sunset at the Beach with Pillars


The Mind, Body, And Soul Work Together

A holistic overview will assist us in being in a state of wellbeing. Our bodies have several elements, our emotions can impact on our health, our physical habits can support or erode our well being. Identify the negative aspects and things will improve.

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