
Modern Daily Life

  • We all live in a dynamic state of constant change. It is part of the human condition.
  • We are affected by our environment, our homes, the moon, the universe. The threat of moving vehicles, sharp knives, wet floors, we can identify as potential hazards but the invisible challenges harm us insidiously.
  • As Humans we run on electricity and hormones, our brain, nerves and endocrine systems.
  • Modern life has many endocrine disruptors, Body washes, lighting, electromagnetic frequencies. These are invisible daily challenges. Some fragrances, air fresheners, synthetic imitations of natural products all have a part to play in confusing our bodies.
  • I have come to look with deep suspicion at many of the daily exposures that people think nothing of;
  • When I go to the supermarket I am challenged by the lighting frequencies, The fruit has one range of light over it, the meat section has another, the frozen different again.
  • Foods aren’t what they were, Now they are mostly grown for tonnage/saleability/$ profit before people. This production model can play havoc with our gut biome. Our gut health has a large part to play in how we feel.
  • The land has been forced to produce in modern methods, desiccant sprays, direct drilling, pre-harvest conditioning. All this has diluted the vitality of much of the food we consume.
  • Modern convenience foods contain extenders and adulterants, which makes them shelf-stable, with eye appeal. They may not be what they seem, many contain ingredients that cheapen their production and bulk up the yield of the raw materials.
  • Bought compost is made from municipal sludge and forestry waste. It is known to carry diseases and contaminants, drug residues and heavy metals. Even when you grow your own vegetables some of this may find its way systemically into your food.
  • In olden times parsley plants were gifted to young brides to ensure fertility. Strong healthy people and children are necessary for communities to thrive. The nutrients of vitamin C and stress-busting B6 essential minerals are easily added to meals and smoothies.


  • Our body works constantly to maintain homeostasis; that is keeping us at the same temperature, the same Ph. with an adequate perfusion of oxygen, blood sugar and circulation to eliminate wastes.
  • Our body runs on frequencies, every cell is interconnected through all our body systems. Each organ has its own frequency.
  • When we focus on negativity we drop 12 MHz, When we eat acidic foods we can drop 14-23 MHz When we smoke we drop 23MHZ all of these have been shown in lab testing.
  • When we suffer prolonged stressors our DNA suffers. When I think of plants that dry out before planting, then they bolt to seed. I see them as having historical suffering, the same can be true in people as harm is handed from one generation to another, the suffering of generational harm.
  • Sound has healing properties at specific frequencies, 174 HZ removes pain, 417HZ Facilitates Change, 528HZ can help repair DNA damage.
  • Listening to music, Singing, Solfeggio frequencies can all help with healing, and repairing body structures. There are specific vibrations to aid the repair of specific structures. Equally specific oils to help remedy specific frequency ailments and emotions.
  • Many do not have an eloquence to name how they feel, the Zyto hand set can pinpoint the negative emotions, so they can be dealt with.
    The information from a Bioscan will outline areas of your lifestyle that you can adopt to: Control your wellbeing.
  • Have confidence in your wellness.
  • Give you adaptability in finding your support systems.
  • Creates healthy coping for continued good health.
  • Help strengthen your natural immune systems


  • To promote the happiness chemicals in our brain (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin; Endorphin).
  • Feel better within yourself
  • Complete tasks and say well done
  • Look after yourself with robust self-care, eating regularly, work on pre-bed sleep hygiene.
  • Sleep in the dark for best restorative practice.
  • Celebrate wins
  • Hold someone’s hand
  • Hug your family
  • Give compliments
  • Sit in the sun with as much skin exposed as you can
  • Walk-in nature
  • Practice gratitude, mindfulness

Medical Model

  • I am grateful for all the positive interventions that can be employed in acute medicine, but if people generally are just ill enough to consume more prescription medications instead of getting to a well healthy state, I ask why? Pain and symptom management……. Antidepressants that have individuals just well enough motivated to attempt suicide…..This has all been researched and suicide is a known side effect of anti-depressants.
  • I meet people who celebrate the next encounter with the medical profession, their change in medication, the surgery they hope to receive. Medication that corrects symptoms of side effects of other medications.
  • If we work to raise our vibrational state our wellness will follow. It is a craft that seems forgotten.

Essential Oils

  • Aromatherapy is one use of the oils, they can also be applied topically and in some cases ingested.
  • Your sense of smell is the most powerful of all senses, the olfactory nerve is directly linked to your brain.
    The smell evokes the most powerful of memories and can trigger body systems into responses.
  • The power of oils has been acknowledged by mystics since forever. There are many biblical references as to oil usage but as the location was Mediterranean based and many other oils aren’t mentioned. The British queen was anointed with oils at her coronation, it was so sacred that she insisted on the ceremony being performed behind a screen.
  • During the black plague, it was noted that thieves who were robbing corpses were not succumbing to the disease. The King wanted to know what they were doing to prevent this. It was revealed they were using oils, it became known as thieves oil and has moved into today as On Guard.  On Guard has been scientifically proven in laboratory testing to prevent the spread of swine flu.  Lavender has been used in high-stress emergency department environments and proved to lower stress levels with clinical testing.  Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Tea tree, Cinnamon have been proven as a vapour effective against the flu virus in scientific environments

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